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Welcome to the BPLASER Web store.
You can also find me on Facebook

Hi All.... 

I seem to be having an issue with FB atm... I have been locked out of my account and cant answer any messages or even view the account. So theres that. 

Im attempting to jump through fb hoops and get up and running again.

If you need to contact me, please email me on


I have added more bases and movment trays to the list for The Old World,
Again....You can find them all in the movement tray section of the store :)
New Movement Trays

With the Old World coming up fast, I have had a few requests for new movement trays and bases.
You can find them all in the movement tray section of the store
New Movement Trays

Hi All,
I have had to change my email address as TPG is no longer hosting an email server.
This affects internode as TPG owns internode... Sigh.
Any way, the new email is
If you cant contact me via the store, please message me on Facebook


I have added a number of WTC TERRAIN packs to the store.
With a bit of my own take on them :)
They are compliant with the current WTC rules.

I have added some door and window frames to the store.
You can find them here: WINDOWS AND DOORS

Well I havent been keeping this up to date have I?
Click the link in the names to go to the product.
New products:







You can now power your outposts/ bases with the new MR FUSION POWER CUBE. (trademarkpending)
It has a 3d printed hemispherical "bottle" with lasercut mdf body as well as card and acrylic addons.

Just for fun, The Undead regiment / filler :)
I needed some more undead... and had a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a fox...
Undead Regiment

A couple of new products, the Junkyard city buildings...
A two story shanty and a single story hab unit. LINKY

New product time :)
I have added a sector wall set to the store. The set is approx 150mm,(6") tall and you get enough bits to make a wall 1500mm long (5'). LINKY

Turns out,I havent updated thefront page for a while.
I have been working on some new bridges, here is the first. :) LINKY

So recently I decided to update the BRIGANTINE .
I added over 100 new parts, and and redsiegned probably 95% of the remaining parts.
It turned out pretty well :)
Quick link to the BRIGANTINE.

New product time, The MARTELLO TOWER.
I ahd been wanting to do one of these for a while, but it took time to find one that I liked :).

I have added a new product to the store, a Display Case. Designed to fit into IKEA and Bunnings cube shelving. It was origionally designed for ASOIAF minatures but with its wide shelving you will be able to fit a large range of minatures into it.
Gratuitous pic:

May you live in interesting times.....

Yeah, Right....

Quick update.
Hi all, just to let you know what is going on with me and the store over the next few months.

The current crisis has put a hole in my gaming attendance.

The plan was to attend Briscon in April. Unfortunately the organisers have had to postpone to at least October, pending government requirements.

I do aim to attend MOAB in Sydney,  if and when I get conformation that it's still running. And after that is Herocon in December.

Again these attendances depend on the health regulations at the time.

I'm still operating as per normal, Just slower than usual.. sigh.

I visited my suppliers, and got a load of timber and card for cutting, so if everything does get shut I can at least continue cutting.

So the plan is to continue tol fill orders as they come in.

Austpost is operating as normal for the moment, though I believe there is a delay in packages.

 That's pretty much everything, I hope you all stay safe over the next few months, and I will see you when I see you.


Ok, all current orders are out, laser is giving me the irates, as for some reason the computer , while detecting the laser, wont communicate with it.

This however is a problem for future me, as present me is now on 3 weeks holiday. I can see the near future... it involves rum and a pool, and a visit to the Australian Armour and Artillery Museum in Cairns.

Have a great Christmas everyone, thanks for your support during the year, and I will see everyone at CANCON in January.

Ps, any orders made while I'm away will be processed from the 10th/1/2020 in order.

PPs, for the SW legion players, I am designing a building you might like.

Hi everyone,
Just a couple of things...
The computer that controls the laser suffered a fatal issue, the powerpack fried the motherboard. :(
So the laser is out of commission until I fix it. Which I'm currently working on.
This will not affect anyone's order that is already in, but will affect anyone who orders, from now, until I have it running again.
The lead time may stretch out a bit. By several weeks... Sorry about that. :(
Secondly, and more importantly, I'm heading off on holidays on the 20th and wont be back until the 10th of Jan, 2020. I aim to be sitting by the pool drinking rum for a respectable amount of that.... after I have run through the list of repairs that my Dad has made for me.
Thirdly, I am attending CANCON next year, over the Australia day weekend in Canberra, and am of course bringing the entire store with me.
If you want anything special, please let me know and I will bring it with me.
Thanks all for your support over the year, Merry Christmas, and I will see you at CANCON

Hi All,
I have added a new item to the store, The CARGO SHIP.
Its a 28-35mm terrain piece suitable for various game  games.

SIGH.... hard at work as usuall. :P
Just to let everyone know that I will have the store at Briscon on April the 27th and 28th.
If you want to order something special to pick up at Briscon, now is the time to do it. :)
You can find the details about the weekend here:  BRISCON 2019

Hi All,
Just letting you know that I will be away from Wednesday the 19 of December, until the 3rd of January.

I will be sitting beside a pool in Cairns, drinking rum.
And probably getting rained on.

All orders received whilst I'm away will be processed as soon as I return.

Have a great Christmas, and I will see you next year. 

Hi All,
Beasts of war are doing a hobby challenge for SpaceHulk. They are doing it as a video log, and they are using the Corridor set that I sent them for the kickstarter.

The video log is paid content on their backstage pass area, but they currently have a 7 day free access if you sign up.

You can find their FB page HERE
And their webpage HERE

Well that was fun... kind of  :)
I have spent the morning adjusting the postage rules for Australia and International postage.
Thanks Aust post for your 3 monthly price adjustmants.

The news of course, is mixed...
For International post: Postage went up on lighter items, under 4 kilos... Sadness...
For heavier items, postage actually went down! In some cases by quite a lot.

For Australia, I have just given up keeping pace with the changes, :)
So under 250g is now $6, under 500g is now $10, under 3 kilos is $18,
under 4.5 kilos is $25,
And everything over 4.5 kilos will get posted for free.

Here Endith the News.

Hi all,
BPLASER will be attending MOAB in Sydney over the labour day long weekend.
Saturday the 29th, Sunday the 30th and Monday the 1st.
The stall is pretty much at the front door, you will have to walk past me as you enter. :)
So if you are attending MOAB, drop by and have a look at our range and say hi!
Linky to MOAB

Iwas asked to make some SW Legion terrain, ... I made a start :), and have a Bunker ready and available on the store.

Hi All, well the kickstarter is over bar the mad posting out of gear.
I would like to thank everyone who supported the project, and let everyone know that, Yes, it will make it onto the store in a couple of weeks,.... once I get organised :)

You can find a link to the KS page below.




Hi all,
Please contain your excitement...
No really ...
So I have added THE CRATE DEAL to the store,
If you love crates, this is the place to get some....

In the 28mm SCI-FI section you will find a selection of  modular Buildings with footpaths, that you can conceivably build to any height. As well as a selection of non modular buildings and accessories.

In the Steampunk section you will find a number of static buildings with various options, as well as the start of our modular steampunk range.

In the gallery section you can find some of our club terrain as well as our laser cut terrain that customers have painted up for their own use.

Please read our postage section for the postage rules.

If you have any questions about products, or postage, or just about anything, please contact us at

You can also find us at :

