This is Paul, The owner.
Paul has to make the following employees play nice together.
Paul is going grey.
This is Paul, our lead designer.
Paul has a background in heavy mechanical and hydraulic engineering.
Paul loves his job.
He has been known to sit for hours designing obscure pieces of kit just because it took his fancy.
Instead of doing what he was supposed to do.
His designs sometimes have to be reined in by our prototype tester as complexity can build up in a hurry.
This is Paul, Our prototype tester.
He gets the task of cutting and assembling the prototypes and determining where, Paul The designer, went wrong. He then sends his input back to the designer and tells him to try again.
This normally takes two iterations.
He generally has issues with Paul, the designer.
This is Matthew, our product tester. Matthew has been with the company since he was 5.
If the product survives in his hands for an extended play period, it is deemed fit for production.
Often gives valuable input.
This is Paul. Our cutter and packager.
Paul has the job procuring materials, feeding the machine, counting the parts, putting everything in packets, putting the scrap in the bin, and printing up the label sheet.
If you receive a mis-packed item, it’s his fault.
This is Paul, our IT guy.
Paul is responsible for the day to day handling of the webstore, answering emails, replying to queries, posting on facebook.
Sleeps most of the day.
Has to be fed rum at to do anything.
This is Paul, Our mechanic.
Anything that goes wrong, he can fix. Laser stops working? Call Paul. Computer catches fire? Call Paul.
Laser goes bang. Magic blue smoke comes out? Call Paul.
Paul has a huge amount of resources at his disposal, (the internet), and a lot of professionals to call on for help, (random posters on various forums).
Invaluable employee. Lets everyone know that they can’t do without him.
This is Paul, our instruction manual designer.
Paul is lazy.